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True stories from people like you.

I felt like I shed 100 pounds...


When Merry first introduced me to Emotion Code, I was really skeptical as to whether or not this was a real thing that would actually work.  I had heard of energy medicine before but I had never heard of the actual releasing of trapped energies in the body.  I decided to try it out and let her do a session on me, and the first time or 2 I didn't notice any differences, but at the next session, we hit some really deep-set psychological issue I had and really brought some things to the surface.  After I left that session I felt very free and liberated like I shed off 100 pounds of baggage.  However, sometimes at other sessions, I left emotionally charged and with more questions than I had previously, but no matter how I left each session I could tell I was getting movement and addressing things that really needed to be addressed. 


I know from experience that Emotion Code works. If you are continually facing an issue that won't go away, often times there is an emotional root that just has to be faced, and Emotion Code can help with that.  I highly recommend Emotion Code, and I highly recommend having a session from Merry Yeager. <33 I really think she can help you.

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© 2016 Merry Yeager

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