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True stories from people like you.

Four months later, still pain free...


I was most impressed by the emotional and physical aspects Merry discovered about me.... especially at such a distance.  I felt much improvement in the pain level of my foot during my trip with minimal discomfort or cramping.  When I arrived here, my daughter suggested Marjoram and Lavender and with that, I've had NO MORE PAIN or discomfort with walking or stretching, so the combination worked beautifully. I would definitely recommend Merry's technique; combined with Young Living essential oils, it's a powerful protocol.  Four months later, still pain free!!!  Now I can walk again!  Just got back from an overseas trip, walked 8 miles one day and no hint of pain!!


Elaine Pinar

Young Living Essential Oils Distributor

Perryville, MO 63775

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